薛鸿垚,工学博士,民盟盟员,青岛科技大学机电工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事功能纳米材料、电化学和催化化学的交叉研究,在纳米材料合成、表面/界面催化机理和电解水制氢、燃料电池及空气电池的应用。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,中国博士后面上基金等项目5项。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental(2)、Journal of Energy Chemistry(2)、Small、Nano Research和ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering等国际公认的高水平科技期刊上发表了10余篇SCI论文,包括1篇ESI高被引论文和1篇封面论文。2023年荣获NRE新锐研究者金奖及本科学士论文优秀指导教师称号,并获得了1项发明专利授权。
1.国家自然科学基金-青年基项目 2024.01-2026.12主持
2.中国博士后基金项目-面上项目 2023.03-2024.06 主持
3.青岛市博士后应用项目-一等资助 2022.03-2024.06 主持
4.青岛科技大学高层次人才项目 2024.09-2027.09 主持
5.企业横向应用项目2022.06-2023.06 主持
1. Magnetic field modulation of high spin hexa-coordinated iron sites to enhance catalytic activity,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and Energy, 2024 (一作/通讯, IF=20.2,一区TOP)
2.Stimulate the hidden catalysis potential and exposure of nickel site in NiSe@CNTs result in ultra-high HER/OER activity and stability,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and Energy, 2023(一作, IF=20.2 ,一区TOP,ESI高被引)
3.Hydrogen evolution reaction activity enhancement from active site turnover mechanism,Journal ofEnergyChemistry, 2024 (通讯, IF=14.0,一区TOP)
4.Controllable oxygen vacancies and morphology engineering: Ultra-high HER/OER activity under base–acid conditions and outstanding antibacterial properties,Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2022 (一作,IF=14.0,一区TOP)
5.Magnetic Activation: A Novel Approach to Enhance Hydrogen Evolution Activity of Co0.85Se@CNTs Heterostructured Catalyst, Small, 2024 (一作/通讯, IF=13.0,一区TOP)
6.3D urchin like V-doped CoP in situ grown on nickel foam as bifunctional electrocatalyst for efficient overallwater-splitting,Nano Research, 2021 (一作, IF=9.5,一区TOP,封面)
7.Co–pyridinic-N Bond Constructed at the Interface of CoxP and N-doped carbon to Effectively FacilitateOxygen Reduction,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023 (一作, IF=7.1,一区TOP)
8.Phosphorus-doped MoS2 with sulfur vacancy defects for enhanced electrochemical water splitting,Science China Materials, 2022(一作,IF=8.1,一区TOP)
9.Unleashing the charge compensation effect for enhanced electrochemical water-splitting using low-valent magnesium-inserted CoP, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023(通讯, IF=8.1,二区TOP)
10.Manganese doping motivated cobalt site and unique hexagonal morphology to boost electrochemicalwater electrolysis, Applied Surface Science, 2024(一作, IF=6.3,二区TOP)
11.Experimental study on the influence of surface modification methods of carbon fiber felt on the operation and heat transfer characteristics of loop heat pipes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023(通 讯, IF=6.1,一区TOP)
12.Experimental study on the characteristics of loop heat pipe with modified carbon fiber felt wick, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023(通讯, IF=6.1,一区TOP)